Sunday, September 25, 2016

Civil Engineering Jobs

A Civil Engineer is responsible for planning, design, construction and/or maintenance of structures. Civil Engineer can work in private constructions companies, governmental public works organizations or in universities as a research fellow or a teacher. Civil Engineer is able to do the following jobs:
Ø To survey a site.
Ø To write a technical report about the area or a project.
Ø To plot out a Design or Plan of a structure.
Ø To plot out a Design of the foundation.
Ø To estimate costs, expenses and ensure economy.
Ø To construct a structure e.g. buildings, bridges, highways, tunnels, dams.
Ø To maintain or repair a previously build structure.
Ø To devise means of communication by construction and survey of roads, rails, highways, airports, seaports, train stations or freeway interchanges so that smooth and even flow of traffic (road, sea or air traffic) is maintained as well as higher user rates are ensured.
Ø To design foundation for electrical transmission towers, radio signals etc.
Ø To teach students in a university.
Ø To run and manage a private construction firm.
Ø To construct canals and dams and plan water supply schemes, sewer pipes and preventing flooding.
Ø Processing and purifying organic materials, environmental impact studies, and the interface of civil engineering projects with the natural world.
Ø  Coastal projects and management of coastal areas.

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